A webmail app enables you to send out and receive e-mails via a web browser with no need to set up an email inside a program like Outlook or Thunderbird. If you travel, for example, you are able to check your email messages from an Internet café and you will not have to download, install or configure anything. Webmail apps are advanced enough to offer you a lot of options such as using an address book or making folders that will afterwards appear in your email client. As a webmail app works with the messages on the server, it is vital that you apply the IMAP protocol if you create an email account on your PC. You can still use webmail if you select POP, but old emails will not be available due to the fact that they'll have been downloaded on your computer. You can use webmail provided that there is any sort of e-mail created inside your website hosting account and using an email app before being able to use webmail is not a requirement, so you're able to handle your digital communication entirely via a web browser.

Webmail RoundCube in Web Hosting

Our web hosting offer a cutting-edge webmail application called Roundcube, which will provide you with more or less all functions of a standard email program. You have access to it straight from a web browser by entering your email and password or via your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel. Considering the features that Roundcube comes with, you are able to work with it as an addition to an e-mail app or as a standalone app. In case you host an enterprise Internet site and your workers use webmail, you can have the application within a custom-made URL with the organization domain name in a few easy steps. With a handful of clicks it's also possible to create folders, customize the time zone with respect to your location, make an address book or create distinctive identities for any given email address.

Webmail RoundCube in Semi-dedicated Servers

All our Linux semi-dedicated hosting service have a feature-rich webmail program known as Roundcube, which may be reached either by typing its URL in your web browser and then typing in the necessary e-mail, or by clicking on a certain e-mail account inside the Emails area of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel. Either way, you'll log in to an intuitive interface where you can manage your messages and folders, make aliases or HTML signatures, fine-tune the time zone to the one you need, set up and use an address book, and more. Roundcube can very easily replace any desktop application. If you use the semi-dedicated account for hosting a domain name of a business or an organization, you can create a custom URL with that domain for the staff to access their e-mails, instead of our standard URL.