The monthly site traffic characteristic is sometimes referred to as info transfer or bandwidth as well, still all these names apply to the same thing - the amount of info can be transferred to and from your web hosting account. The web site traffic can be produced in just two ways, the more apparent one being site visits. If someone loads your web site, their web browser requests and downloads the webpages from the hosting server then displays them on their end. The more visitors you have, the more outgoing traffic is produced from your website hosting account. Considering that this feature includes the total site traffic, not just your website visits, you should not forget that incoming traffic is counted as well. Which means that web site content and various other files that you upload to your account with a file manager or an FTP program are measured towards your account quota. Your transfer is typically checked on a monthly basis and the counter resets on the very first day of each month whatever your actual registration date.

Monthly Traffic in Web Hosting

Our web hosting are designed with the idea to handle the site traffic made by any kind of website that can function in such an account. In case you currently have one or a couple of small-scale or medium-sized web sites, you will not be limited by the monthly website traffic allowance regardless of what content you may have - plain text and / or a great number of images, for example. The stats inside the hosting Control Panel gives you comprehensive details about the traffic generated by every single web site along with the amount for your account in general. The stats are updated in real time and display both the daily and the monthly usage, therefore you will know how much data is transferred to and from your hosting account anytime. Day one of each month your counter is reset, but you'll be able to view the traffic stats for the past months, that will give you an idea how your sites perform.

Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers

All our semi-dedicated server packages are very powerful so you can manage multiple web sites in a single account. The monthly traffic feature matches that power, thus what you'll have is a web hosting account with truly unrestricted info transfer. As a result, your websites can grow as much as it is possible with this kind of hosting and you can receive as many visitors as you wish. For more efficient web site and account management, you're given the option to see check out what amount of website traffic each of your websites produces, however we won't ever set a restriction. For your convenience, you will be able to view monthly, daily and hourly statistics as well as the individual web pages that are visited most often, or the most downloaded files. When you use our semi-dedicated hosting packages, you will never worry about getting to any traffic cap so you will be able to concentrate on developing your websites and getting more visitors.

Monthly Traffic in VPS Servers

With each VPS server package that you can find here, we offer a different monthly traffic allowance that will depend on how powerful your server is. Thus, we're able to keep the lower-end packages less expensive and give you the chance to select the plan you really need depending on your budget plus your resource requirements. Updating from one plan to another is really easy and will take only a couple of clicks in your VPS billing Control Panel, so that if you start getting more site visitors at some point and you need an increased website traffic quota, you're able to move to a superior plan at any time. We will notify you in case you reach 90% of your monthly allowance, so you will have sufficient time either to update or to optimise your web sites, so that you can lower the outbound website traffic. The VPS plans also come with a server management panel where you can see how much website traffic has already been used for the month and exactly how much is left until you reach the allowance restriction.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers

The monthly site traffic quota that is provided with our dedicated server plans is more than enough for any kind of website regardless of its type. Your web applications can make terabytes of website traffic, which guarantees that all of your site visitors will never notice any sort of error message on your site due to limited allowance the way it can happen with various forms of web hosting. Also, we leave the option to upgrade the traffic amount open, however it's highly unlikely that you will ever need it even if you intend to host a file sharing site or a video streaming portal. The server management Control Panel offers you precise live information how much data has been transmitted for the month to date, and how much is left until you reach the limit. We will also notify you if you reach 90% of the allowance so as to be on the safe side and avoid any downtime of your web sites. The data in our panel includes the full traffic, plus software downloads, therefore it's more precise than the one in your hosting Control Panel where you can view details only about the customers developed by web content.