We’ve integrated a group of Web Site Optimization Tools in your Site Control Panel for you to easily promote your websites on the Internet. Kungfu Web Hosting’s sitemap generator will help you to have a complete sitemap of your website. In addition, you’ll be able to submit that sitemap to the search engines to list your web site. The RSS News syndication tool will help you to generate unique content on your index page so you could get much better possibilities to climb higher in search engine listings. Additionally, we have incorporated a GeoIP re–direction instrument that will permit you to approach your site visitors more precisely in accordance with their physical area.

A Sitemap Generator

Generate a sitemap with all of your webpages in an instant

The fastest way to get your recently launched site placed in the major search engines will be to submit a sitemap. The sitemap records all of the web pages within your site and by submitting it to a search engine, you tell it that you like those pages to get indexed without delay. Sitemaps are often developed by third–party tools. However, with us, you will not need to navigate from your Site Control Panel. Our inhouse made Sitemap Generator is included into the Advanced Instruments part and will set up a sitemap on your behalf with a click.

All you need to do is pick the max quantity of web pages you’ll want to be crawled, the range of the indexed URLs as well as the extension of the sitemap document.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Easy location–driven redirections

Kungfu Web Hosting offers a very simple tool, which will enable you to sort the visitors to your web site according to their area. For example, using the GeoIP redirection instrument, you can easily forward all the visitors from Spain towards the Spanish version of your site in case you have such. This will help you focus on your web visitors far more precisely and offer them with the on–site experience they expect to have.

No special abilities or technical expertise are required to make use of the GeoIP re–direction application, and you will no longer have to use .htaccess files to complete the job.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Present the most recent news within your site

What exactly is RSS? RSS can be described as a method for posting and gathering site content. It’s being widely used by news sites, personal weblogs, newscasts, and so on. The posted content is readily collected through a feed aggregator and after that made available to the user. Using RSS, users will be able to obtain announcements from different websites and go through them in a sole place.

With the RSS News Publication tool, you can quickly include information feeds from some of the world’s most–preferred news outlets and show them within your web site.

RSS News