Hotlinking Protection in Web Hosting
As our web hosting include a simple and handy hotlink protection tool, you shall be able to shield your content from showing on third-party sites with literally only 2 clicks, even if you don't have very much experience with this kind of matters. The tool is available in the Hepsia hosting Control Panel and when you open it, you'll only have to select the domain or subdomain you want to protect. Optionally, you can also select if the hotlink protection shall be active for the default domain root folder or just for a subfolder. You won't need to do anything else, because our system will create an .htaccess file automatically within the preferred location and shall add the needed code within it. All websites with enabled hotlink protection will be listed in the very same section, so you could disable this service for any of them with a mouse click.
Hotlinking Protection in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our company offers an effective solution to shield your content and even if you aren't quite tech-savvy, you could take advantage of it with just a few clicks. The usual approach to enable server-side hotlink security is to create an .htaccess file and to add a few directives within it. With the tool which you'll discover inside the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with all of the semi-dedicated server accounts, you will only need to select the Internet site which you need to protect and our system will set up the .htaccess file for you, adding all the needed content within it. You can also use this option for only one folder rather than the entire website - you just need to specify where the .htaccess file has to be set up. If you no longer want the hotlink security to be active, you may disable it with just one mouse click from the exact same section of your Control Panel.