In spite of the fact that the hosting service provided by the different companies is almost the same, each provider has got a personalized platform with its own tweaks and different ways to carry out given procedures. That is why, an exhaustive knowledge base would be exceptionally useful both for persons with little to no experience and for technically savvy users who will at some point learn how certain tasks are performed, but will waste some time meanwhile. The objective of such a knowledge base is to make the hosting service quick and simple to use, sparing users a lot of time and effort. The consequence is gladder customers, as they can quickly find the info they are looking for, and a whole lot less work for the client care staff representatives, because typically the vast majority of the questions and difficulties that clients have are already listed in the knowledge base. If the articles are expertly written and encompass more things, you’ll be able to discover more not only about your account, but also about the web hosting service in general.

Extensive Online Documentation in Web Hosting

Our web hosting packages come with an extensive knowledge base where you can find info on all the issues that you might run into and their resolutions. You can discover how to create and manage a mailing list, how to use an .htaccess file, or how to proceed in case the settings of your mail client are correct, but nevertheless you’re unable to send emails, for example. We have done our utmost to be as comprehensive as possible and to cover all the available options so as to save you time and energy and to provide you with different solutions for each issue. The knowledge base contains informative articles as well – both generic ones about the web hosting service as a whole, and more specific ones, which will help you become familiar with the functions and features of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You can find relevant articles about particular features and functions in every Control Panel section, whilst if you wish to see the whole list of articles, you can go to the dedicated Help section.

Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Servers

We’ve compiled an extensive knowledge base for all our current and future clients, so if you get a semi-dedicated server plan from us, you will be able to find any info that you are searching for at any moment. We’ve got a lot of educational articles, which will help you better understand what is happening in your semi-dedicated account – "What is PHP?" and "What are file access permissions?" are merely 2 examples. Our in-depth manuals will help you do anything you wish – extract an archive, import a database, forward a domain, and so on. Plus, we’ve also got troubleshooting instructions, which will allow you to discover what causes a particular problem and the feasible solutions for it. If you’re unable to send e-mail messages or your domain name opens a 500 Internal Server Error message, for instance, you can consult our knowledge base and correct the issue immediately. You can access the articles through each section of the Control Panel, as well as through the all-encompassing Help section.